Dead Pony, ‘IGNORE THIS’ | Track By Track

Rising Scottish stars Dead Pony guide us track by track through their debut album ‘IGNORE THIS’, out now via Lab Records.

Photo: Euan Robertson

the antagonist is ignorance

“This song was all about the melody, I wrote this cool melody on a Spanish guitar and then put some words to it about struggling to communicate with a certain person in my life. I recorded it on my iPhone and sent it to the band and we all knew straight away it was the perfect album opener to throw people off and set a cool vibe for the rest of the album.”


“The title track of our album. We wrote this song from a place of anger and rage. We felt like we were being ignored by so many people and that no one took us seriously. This song is a fuck you to everyone who ever underestimated Dead Pony.”

MK Nothing

“When we wrote this song I came up with this story of a deadly assassin who has been MK ultra mind controlled to go out and kill all of the bad guys of the world. However, as the song has sat with us for a while it’s taken on a new meaning. We refuse to conform to other people’s expectations and be something that we’re not.”


“AWOL is written about that person that’s in your life but they’re not really, truly there. They say they’ll do something and it never happens. They talk a big game only to let you down. It’s about that friend who you love but can’t rely on for anything and about cutting ties with toxic people.”

About Love

“About Love is about letting go of love. It’s about being so infatuated with a person but realising that they only bring out the toxic traits within you. It’s about when you finally realise that you need to let that person go for your own sanity.”


“I wrote this song about how hard it is to be yourself in life. Choosing to fully pursue what I love has led me to really question if I’m happy with the life I’m leading. You end up beating yourself up over not feeling adequate but you can’t stop being who you are at heart.”


“COBRA embodies the heart of the message of the album. It’s about anger towards ignorance. We wanted to create a track that would act as an outlet for that energy. The musical stylings for this track were inspired by our idols, the prodigy and it opened our eyes to new possibilities with our music.”


“We’ve always been inspired by film when writing songs and when Blair wrote the riff and then the lyric “Watch my big gun, shoot the big sun” it inspired this story of like a zombie apocalypse and how it would feel to live through the end of the world.”

I might die.

“I used to float through life with rose tinted glasses and when I saw tragedy I used to always think that it would never happen to me. But when I had some close family members who became unwell, I realised that no one is immune to loss and mourning. I now live with a fear that anyone you love could be taken away from you at any moment but I believe that just shows how much love we have to give.”

tedious and bleak

“This song was all about the bassline, it sounded really cool but also very monotonous and grim so we ran with it and made this interesting palette cleanser.”


“We wrote RAINBOWS on the last day of album recording. We had been locked in a cabin studio in the middle of nowhere for weeks and it had been relentlessly raining the whole time. On the last day though, the clouds cleared and there was a gorgeous rainbow outside the studio. It totally lifted our spirits and we decided to write this song of self love and acceptance.”

Bad Girlfriend

“We wrote this song inspired by the movie Natural Born killers. I love how that film is so romantic but it’s a totally toxic love story about two people who are crazy in love but they also do really bad things. I created this scenario where Mickey & Mallory are on their way to a club to have fun and party but they end up getting into trouble on the way there.”


“I wrote this song about how I used to sometimes suffer with imposter syndrome and how I never fully understood what other people saw in me. In the song I write about this other woman who is also me, but a different version of myself, and how I admire her and how I think she’s actually just really cool.”

White Rabbit

“One of my favourite movies is The Matrix and it’s inspired us so much in terms of our sound and aesthetic. We really just wanted to write a song that was a total homage to this film and to capture the dystopian and futuristic character.”

Faces On The wall

“We wrote this song about not ever wanting to be someone else’s product. We have a strong feeling of individual spirit and we won’t let anyone collect us and add us to their little pathetic trophy cabinet.”

Motor City Mad Man

“So on the last day of recording, the motor city mad man came along to the recording studio. He told us he had a song that he wanted to record and that it was going to make him famous. We had already finished everything we had to do so we gave him a microphone and pressed record. He recorded it all in one take and we got Liam and Euan to be his band for the take. Sadly we haven’t heard from him since but we decided to keep it there at the end of the album out of respect for his performance that day. If anyone out there knows the motor city mad man please get him to contact us!!”

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